Pa La Cultura was never intended to be a site about politics. This was a space for music and culture. This wasn’t a space for tough topics.

Unfortunately, the events taking place in Cuba over the last few days warrant a change, and a discussion.

As Latino and Hispanic Americans, we have a duty to call out the injustices against our communities across the globe. 62 years of Communist rule in Cuba has been example of that injustice.

The massive protests against the Communist dictatorship is a moment for hope. As consumers of Latin culture, we cannot sit by the wayside during such a potentially momentous occasion. Moreover, we must stand up for the basic rights of all humans, especially those under Communist rule.

Cuban Culture

Cuban influence and innovation is essential to the story of Latin music. There is no telling the story of Latin music without including Celia Cruz, Arturo Sandoval, Benny More, and other Cuban visionaries. Cuban artists have been foundational in the creation of bolero and salsa music among others. Their influences remain key today.

Cuban culture has always been vibrant and energetic. It has also been political. Earlier this year, Gente de Zona, Yotuel, Descemer Bueno, and Maykel Osorbo released their protest anthem “Patria y Vida”. The title has become a rallying cry for Cuban protestors as they fight back against decades of abuse.

If you define success by angering the right people, this song has been incredibly successful. Communist leaders and Cuban officials have decried the song. They view it as an attack on the principles the party stands for. That’s clearly a victory for freedom.

The suppression and political isolation of Cuba has been a hallmark of the Marxist-Leninist regime for the last 60 plus years. The freedom of speech does not exist under Cuba’s authoritarian rule.

This evil regime has cost Cuba three generations. In musical terms, the Cuban Revolution brought about the nationalization of the music industry. Nationalization led to artists defecting and fleeing the country, never to return. Similarly, Cuban baseball players have lived an equivalent story. Some of Cuba’s greatest talents, including Celia Cruz, never returned to the island after fleeing.

Dealing with Reality

It’s hard to even know the full reality of what’s happening in Cuba today. The government halted internet access in the country, stifling the ability of individuals to organize protests and effective resistance. However, pictures and videos leak out. The images we’re seeing range from inspiring calls for freedom to heartbreaking scenes of government brutality. Despite the horror being perpetuated by the communist government, there is hope that this is finally the end of their rule.

Some outlets will say that these protests are solely because of COVID cases and the collapse of the Cuban healthcare system. While those factors certainly contribute to the pain that the Cuban people are feeling, decades of communist rule have created this storm. Moreover, the continued denial of freedom and justice have lit this fire.

Food shortages, failed healthcare systems, and corruption are features of communist governments, not flaws. Marxism inherently tramples basic human rights and dignities. Their propaganda lionizes murderous despots like Fidel Castro.

In the course of the protests, people have (allegedly) been fired upon with live rounds by police. High profile activists have been disappeared. Internet access has been cut off. These are not the actions of a regime that values basic human freedoms. These are not the actions of a legitimate regime.

The Inevitable End of Communist Regimes

Unfortunately, Cuba does not appear to be on a peaceful course. While we can pray for peace, and we should, authoritarian governments do not give up power willingly.

A regime that has oppressed the Cuban people and repressed their rights for so many generations begets a violent response from the people. The Cuban people have been abused and stripped of their god given rights for far too long.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”

– The Declaration of Independence

The long arc of history bends toward human freedom. Ideologies that deny this, such as communism, end the same way. With bloodshed and suffering. We must reject these philosophies every day and lift up those currently fighting against them. Most importantly, we must support those who are risking their lives for the cause of freedom and liberty.

The communist regime that has cost Cuba three generations should be relegated to history’s waste bin. This regime has long lost the right to legitimately govern the proud and resilient Cuban people.

The international community must stand up for the Cuban people and support them as they fight against this oppressive communist government.

P.S. – For artists like Ricky Martin who proclaim that they hardcore leftists – look at the destruction of Cuba and recognize the very philosophy you advocate for, whether you understand it or not, inevitably ends in authoritarianism and suffering. Do better.

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