This week’s edition of Throwback Thursday is all about Dyango. If you missed last week’s post, you can read it here. This week’s post is dedicated to romance and one of the most famous voices in Spanish music history.

Jose Gomez Romero (aka Dyango) was born in Barcelona in May 1940. Dyango, taking the name of a gypsy guitarist (named Django Reinhart), is known as the “Voice of Love”. He is one of the most acclaimed romantic singers in Spain and Latin America. His romantic music (generally falling into the category of bolero). Over the course of his career, he has released upwards of 40 albums spread across 5 decades. He has two children, Marcos Llunas and Jordi, who are also singers.

This week’s song is Corazon Magico. This song is a simple one. There aren’t many lyrics. The title directly translates to “Magic Heart”. The lyrics, romantic as you would expect, are about love being a full moon. It continues to describe her hair dancing in the wind and the elements looking upon her. Sun from the east and the sea from the south continue to look upon her as a beauty as far to them as they are to him. Like the horizon, she’s distant and unattainable but a goal to achieve. There’s a deep love within these lyrics but from a distance.

Looking at this song from that deeper perspective, you can pretty easily see why Dyango is the King of Latin Romance. It speaks to a situation where love and admiration are directed toward something as elusive as the horizon.

From 1984, Corazon Magico.