We’re finally at the end of Season 2 of Luis Miguel: The Series. Thanfully, we have a third season coming to resolve the hanging storylines. But in the meantime, let’s talk about what this week left us. And there’s a lot to discuss, trust me.

Spoilers Below

So as I predicted last week this episode would serve more accurately as set up for Season 3. As the final credits told us, there would be a third and final season. Even though Mariah Carey was cast for this season, she didn’t appear. The end of Micky and Erika means we’ll see some very interesting dynamics at play next season for sure.

This episode did a number of things well. One of the premier successes of this season was Mauricio and Michelle getting together in Madrid. After Micky’s warning, hiring the PI to tail the two and get the necessary pictures is a very smart move by Jose. It also sets up a huge conflict between Mauricio and Micky, which I’m sure will be dealt with early on next season.

The tension between Micky and his grandmother was also perfectly executed. While telling the story of Luis Miguel’s mother didn’t do the damage she thought it would, it certainly created a major inconvenience for everyone, including her. The Luis Miguel family is undoubtedly a dysfunctional mess.

I really enjoyed the beginning of the episode as Micky returned to the stage for the first time after his accident. While this could have been given a bit more build up, it was good to see him return after the incident. It was also very cool to see the creation of the company and studio that would be used in the later timeline by Robles. The further this series goes, the more it feels like we’re getting a unified narrative.

As a finale, this episode hits all of the expected and necessary notes. We learn more about numerous factors while still seeing Luis Miguel as the victim of his predatory family members and management.


So, among my biggest criticism this week is that the end of Micky and Ericka isn’t given enough time to breathe. Their breakup is very sudden and also feels like something that’s passed by. Even though Micky has an engagement ring ready for Erika, the subject is never returned to. The interview, which I predicted would be an issue, is glossed over after the relationship falls apart. To me, it deserved some more time to fully digest.

Another one my criticsms is that Alex returns out of nowhere. We have no idea where he’s been or what he’s been doing. I’m glad he’s back but he shows up out of literally nowhere. This isn’t a criticism but Micky is very much acting like his father when he tells Sergio to choose between him and his grandmother. The poor kid must have so much psychological trauma to work through.

Another criticism I had was the use of green screen again for the concert at the beginning of the episode. While better executed than the last use, it’s was still very evidently used here. It was not convincing once again. I hope the end of COVID gives us some more believable concerts than this.

As I predicted last week, this episode doesn’t give us a lot of payoff or resolution to the issue’s we’ve seen in Micky’s life. We had some resolution on Sergio but it does not tell us where he ends up. Nor does it tell us how Luis Miguel feels about his youngest brother having a singing career in general.

Final Score

The end of Season 2 leaves us with a load of cliffhangers to get us through to the next season. The finale did not give us all of the resolution we wanted but enough to hold us through the next season. The episode was great in creating tension and anticipation for the final season. Now we wait for Season 3.


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